Since 1978, The Easton Food Pantry has been dedicated to providing food to our neighbors in times of need. As long as there are hungry people in our community, our doors and hearts will be open to help. Bank of Easton is a proud supporter of the Easton Food Pantry.
If you are newly in need of food and supplies, come see us on Mondays from 12:00 PM – 3:30 PM. Please bring with you proof of Easton residency, such as a current utility bill, tax bill, etc. that has your name and address on it (driver’s licenses are not considered proof of residency). Stay in your car, and a volunteer will come to register you.
For the safety of our clients and volunteers, the Pantry will not open during severely cold or stormy weather. If you are in doubt, call ahead.
The Pantry is not holding food drives until the Spring of 2021.
If you would like to donate NON-PERISHABLE food or supplies, we ask that you please use the bins located at Roche Bros, Shaw’s, or 50 Oliver St. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE CANNOT ACCEPT ANY PERISHABLE ITEMS OR EXPIRED FOOD. Monetary donations and local supermarket gift certificates are always greatly appreciated, and can be mailed to:
Easton Food Pantry, 136 Elm Street, Easton, MA 02356
Other business: please leave a message at (508) 230-0670 if you have questions or would like to volunteer. Messages are checked frequently to ensure the mailbox is never full.
Thank you to the people of Easton for your support!