Online Shopping Delivery Scams

By: bankofeaston

At Bank of Easton, your safety and security are our top priority. Our regular emails help keep you informed about scam trends like package delivery scams. 

Fraudsters will target unsuspecting individuals with phishing messages, fake phone calls, and even put fake missed delivery tags (that look like legitimate delivery companies) on your door. Their goal is to steal your personal and financial information. 

Do not click on any links or respond to any suspect messages!
 Here are five points to remember to avoid becoming a victim of a package delivery scam:

  • Be wary of unsolicited messages: If you weren’t expecting a delivery, any message about a package is likely a scam.
  • Watch for urgency and requests for personal information:Scammers try to pressure you into acting quickly. They may even ask for your personal or financial information to make a delivery. Never respond to these kinds of requests.
  • Verify tracking numbers and contact information: Always check tracking numbers on the official website of the delivery company (e.g., DHL, FedEx, UPS, USPS) and use their official phone numbers, not the ones provided in messages or tags.
  • Do not trust missed delivery tags: If you find a missed delivery tag on your door, contact the delivery company directly using their official number, not the number on the door tag.
  • Report scams: Report any suspected scams to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.

For more information on how to identify and avoid package delivery scams, please refer to the American Bankers Association article by Clicking Here.

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