Switch to paperless online banking statements today!
Paperless statements are faster, safer and more sustainable. Switching to paperless today is the responsible thing to do! Are you aware of all the benefits? Click below to find out more.
Paperless statements are faster, safer and more sustainable. Switching to paperless today is the responsible thing to do! Are you aware of all the benefits? Click below to find out more.
No more snail-mail! Access your monthly statement up to four days sooner than mail from your online banking account. Our convenient email notification lets you know when your monthly statement is ready.
Paper statements are more vulnerable to interception by thieves. Online banking uses several layers of security to protect your financial information from exposure.
e-statements help reduce our carbon footprint. Keeping all your statements safely inside online banking reduces clutter at home and helps with our environment.
Did you know that millions of tons of paper are used to print paper statements every year? This is a huge waste of the energy it takes to produce the paper and the energy it takes to recycle it. Help us better serve you by reducing unnecessary waste, postage, and printing costs.
Make the switch today – log into your online banking and click the Statements menu button on the side of your screen.
Are you having difficulty? We’re here to help! Call us today, and we’ll help you make the switch: 508-238-1000